A decade into the magnetic media crisis, video’s obsolescence means that playback equipment is getting harder to maintain, making digital reformatting efforts more difficult. Expert knowledge of how to repair and maintain VCRs and VTRs is becoming rarer, and the supply of original parts is decreasing. Without access to industrial manufacturing processes, new parts can’t be made. Or can they? This presentation will explore 3D printing’s current and potential applications for repairing VCRs and VTRs and give an overview of the technologies and software involved in workflows for 3D Printing for Repair (3DPfR). The presenter will also discuss their own experiences with a 3DPfR project for a Sony SLV-740HF consumer VHS player, including their successes, failures and areas for future research. This presentation will cover how 3D printing can be used to repair legacy video equipment and the work that still needs to be done to reach this goal.